"Ah! A recently deceased. How did you die? Too many movies?
Welcome to the Zombivator. I'm Zed Zombone, I'll be your guide."
Level 2
"You know, you died at a most inconvenient time. With the rate of humans smashing in our heads left and right, we
don't get much of a chance to decay in peace. Humans really need to have more respect for the dead."
"Speaking of decay, here's what you can expect to go first."
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
"Oh look! That is our special crew for keeping miners from finding the Zombivator. Watch out for those Rollers, they'll bite your legs off."
Level 6
Level 7
"Zombies have a rich history with stories from across the globe. Care to check out a few?"
Level 8
"Whew it is hot in here! We must be almost home. Penny for your thoughts?"
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Do you like Zombie Movies?
Thank you to poll-maker.com for the code on this poll.
Level 12
"Welcome to the City of the Dead! This is where I'll leave you then. Happy haunting!"